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Warsaw Mafia Meet-up

Warsaw Mafia Meet-up

📅 Date: 06 December 2017, Wednesday

⌚ Start time: 19:00

📌 Place: Warsaw - Praga-Północ dist., Skład Butelek, ul. 11 Listopada 22 (show on the map)
Dear ladies and gents,
wanna know something more about Warsaw's underworld?
Well, of course we can't tell you too much.
But we can invite you to join the mob if you're really motivated.

Here's the deal:
We meet every Wednesday.
We meet in a bar in Praga.
We tell you the most famous, scariest and thrilling stories of Warsaw's criminal life. Historical or contemporary. Photos, videos, names and events being explained, blood being spilt.
Every meeting another story.
Then you make use of freshly gained knowledge to play MAFIA party game with our moderator (or moderators, depending on the number of players). We sit around the table and play. Here's an example how it's done: link

Wanna give it a try?
Please keep in mind this event is free of charge.
We are there to explore Warsaw historical and social issues, socialize and have fun.
Bring any accesories you find useful. Do not bring any weapons with you.