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Pokaz filmu dokumentalnego: One Man's Brexit

Pokaz filmu dokumentalnego: One Man's Brexit

film show
📅 Date: 07 February 2018, Wednesday

⌚ Start time: 19:00

📌 Place: Warsaw - Śródmieście dist., Znajomi Znajomych, ul. Wilcza 58a (show on the map)
Znajomi Znajomych i twórca filmu Jonathan L. Ramsey zapraszają na pokaz filmu dokumentalnego "One Man's Brexit".

O filmie:
Film "Mój własny Brexit" to portret Marka Harrisona, 57-letniego Brytyjczyka, który przeprowadził się z północnej Anglii do Warszawy w 2011 roku. Uczy tu zawodowo angielskiego i działa w organizacji charytatywnej, jako trener piłki nożnej dla dzieci z wraszawskiej Pragi. Mieszka sam z psem i kotem w jednym z osiedli z wielkiej płyty na Bielanach. W filmie Mark opowiada o trudnej relacji z córką i jak postrzega swoje nowe życie w Polsce.


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Filmmaker Bio
Director - Jonathan L. Ramsey

Jonathan is an American from Chicago living in Warsaw for seven years. His first short documentary, Living with Warsaw, about expat men who move to Poland for love, played on TVN Style channel in Poland in September 2017. While filming Living with Warsaw, Jonathan interviewed British expat Mark Harrison but ultimately cut him from the finished film because he felt that Mark’s story deserved more screen time than was available. Thus, Jonathan views One Man’s Brexit as a more intimate companion piece to Living with Warsaw. Jonathan has a Polish wife and a baby girl. HIs next film, Smog Wars, is currently in production and is about the pollution problem in Warsaw.

About the movie
One Man’s Brexit is a portrait of Mark Harrison, a 57-year-old British man who moved from Northern England to Warsaw in 2011. He teaches English to earn money, he volunteers helping children through a football charity in Praga, and he lives alone with his dog and cat in a large communist bloc in Bielany. Throughout the film, Mark discusses his complicated relationship with his daughter in England and how he sees himself now in his new life in Poland.

One Man’s Brexit premiered at the Manchester International Short Film Festival in November 2017. The Polish-language international TV rights have been acquired by iTVN channel, where it will be broadcast in 2018.