📅 Date:
11 October 2018, Thursday
⌚ Start time: 18:15
📌 Place:
Warsaw - Wola dist., Kolejowa 5, Siedziba Znanego Lekarza (
show on the map)
Tym razem odwiedzi nas Devrim Gunduz - kontrybutor Postgresa, Red Hata i Fedory, człowiek, który tworzy paczki, z których tworzycie swoje środowiska. Drugą prelegentką będzie członkini Rady Dyrektorów PostgreSQL Europe, prelegentka na wielu branżowych konferencjach i osoba odpowiedzialna za rozwój rozwiązań chmurowych w 2ndQuadrant - Gülçin Yıldırım Jelínek.
Będzie więc coś dla każdego i dla deweloperów, i DBA i architektów.
Serdecznie dziękujemy firmie ZnanyLekarz (
link za udostępnienie (po raz kolejny) świetnego miejsca do spotkania w centrum Warszawy. Podziękowania również dla firmy EnterpriseDB (
link, za pyszną pizzę :)
18:00 PostgreSQL is not your traditional SQL Database
Postgres has a rich type system and a wide variety of index types, and few people make full use of them or even understand what the possibilities are. This talk discusses how the design of Postgres makes it possible to combine features like arrays, enumerations, JSON/JSONB, GIN indexes and full-text search support (with ranking, similarity, spelling correction, multilingual support, and geospatial queries) to implement advanced data access patterns that are faster and more featureful than one expects from a traditional SQL database. This combination makes it practical to just use Postgres in many situations where established wisdom is to duplicate some of your data for use by a non-relational database (like a full-text search engine or a NoSQL database).
Gülçin started working with Postgres at a startup company in 2012 and was amazed how good Postgres really is! After being involved in organizing PostgreSQL conferences, giving talks and being an active community member she has been elected to PostgreSQL Europe Board in 2017. Gulcin is interested in PostgreSQL Automation and Cloud Technologies. She currently works as Cloud Services Manager and leads the Cloud Development in 2ndQuadrant. Gulcin resurrected the Prague PostgreSQL Meetup group and has been organizing a meetup with two talks each month as the main organizer. She is also part of Postgres Women and cares about diversity and representation of women in technical communities.
19:00 WAL for DBAs
Everything you want to know
PostgreSQL's WAL is one of the core points of PostgreSQL, and used in many areas: Backup, replication, etc.
In this talk, I will mention about everything about WAL that a PostgreSQL DBA must know:
* What is WAL?
* What does it include?
* How to read it?
* What about wal_level ?
* Replication and WAL
* Backup and WAL
* PITR and WAL
& Other topics
Devrim Gündüz is a long-time PostgreSQL, Red Hat, Fedora contributor, and also working on some more open source projects. He is responsible for the PostgreSQL YUM and ZYPP repositories for RPM based distributions
His career started as a system administrator, and now he is working as Principle Systems Engineer at EnterpriseDB. He is also a Red Hat Certified Engineer.
Oba wystąpienia będą w języku angielskim.
Planujemy streaming. Prezentacja również będzie dostępna do ściągnięcia, ale zapraszam (w miarę możliwości) do zjawiania się osobiście :)
Informacja o miejscach postojowych:
Niestety nie możemy Wam zaoferować niczego na terenie kompleksu biurowego. Miejsce o tej godzinie znajdziecie jednak bez problemu przy ul. Kolejowej oraz Sławińskiej.
Po wystąpieniu planowana jest integracja w pobliskim barze :)
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