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Body percussion

Body percussion

📅 Date: 11 May 2019, Saturday

⌚ Start time: 12:00

📌 Place: Warsaw - Praga-Północ dist., Centrum Wielokulturowe w Warszawie, ul. Jagiellońska 54 (show on the map)
[English below]

Prowadzący: Muratcan Akçay
Ciało to pierwszy instrument znany ludzkości. Nasi przodkowie/nie, jeszcze przed wynalezieniem mowy, komunikowali się i wyrażali się poprzez dźwięki wytwarzane przez ich ciało. Robili to poprzez uderzanie rękami klatki piersiowej, klaskanie czy tupanie.
Obecnie używamy technologii do wytworzenia muzyki, ale nigdy nie przestaliśmy używać naszych ciał. Klaskanie na przykład wciąż jest bardzo znaną formą komunikacji. Klaszczemy by wyrazić radość, uznanie, dumę lub by kogoś pospieszyć. Gra na własnym ciele jest tak samo prosta. Gdy klaszczemy wg jakiegoś określonego wzory, tworzymy rytm a to właśnie rytm jest podstawą muzyki.

ZAPISY: link


Facilitator: Muratcan Akçay
The body was the first instrument of the humankind. Our ancestors – even before they invented speech – communicated and expressed themselves using the sounds they created using their bodies – hitting their chest with their hands, clapping their hands, hitting their feet to the ground…
Today we use many different technologies to make music. However we never stopped using our bodies. Clapping, for example, is one of the most commonly used methods of communication. We clap to express joy, appreciation and pride, as well as to tell someone to hurry up. And body percussion is in fact as simple as that. When we start clapping in a particular pattern we create a “rhythm”. And rhythm is the most basic element of music.
So we invite you to experience this primal sense of rhythm through the exciting and fun world of body percussion. Challenge yourself to “play” with us, to re-discover the sense of rhythm we all share, and to increase your bodily awareness and coordination.
You don’t need any tools other than your body to experience this rehabilitating and meditative musical experience. Clapping our hands, snapping our fingers and stomping our feet, we will create musical patterns, synchronize, improvise and experience what professional musicians feel when they perform in a group, simultaneously making music, dancing and most importantly communicating. We will laugh and have fun, taking a break from our routine. There are no wrongs or mistakes in this practice. Only expression and fun.

In order to sign up for the workshop please fill the form: