Let’s discover Cultural and Natural History of Azerbaijan
📅 Date:
04 November 2019, Monday
⌚ Start time: 19:00
📌 Place:
Warsaw - Śródmieście dist., Staromiejski Dom Kultury, Rynek Starego Miasta 2 (
show on the map)
[wydarzenie oraz opis jedynie w języku angielskim]
We are going to talk about a country which is not very popular and known, but has one of the most tolerant, peaceful and beautiful , rich and colorful cultures in the whole world.
At the end of the presentation you will know:
*which cities except Baku you have to visit?
*What is Novruz?
*Why Azerbaijan is called The Land of Fire?
*A little bit about history
*About beautiful nature
*Diverse landscape , which includes 8 out of 11 known climate types
Speaker- Naida Alayi
Admission free.
Event takes place within the frames of Human Integration project financed by the Culture Animation Program of the Office of Culture, Warsaw Municipality.