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Warsaw-Praga Street Art Walking Tour

Warsaw-Praga Street Art Walking Tour
📅 Data: niedziela, 28 maja 2017

⌚ Godzina rozpoczęcia: 12:00

📌 Miejsce: Warszawa - Praga-Północ, Targowa 74 (pokaż na mapie)

Szczegółowy opis poniżej ⬇️

Spacer i poniższy opis - tylko w języku angielskim.

Hello guys!
You probably heard a lot about the most dangerous, mysterious and fashionable district of Warsaw nowadays - Praga. Maybe you even visited it for crazy nightlife, art events or cultural heritage. But do you want to discover its very secrets with a local educator/tour guide/streetworker, born and grown up there and totally crazy about that place?
This time you may be lucky to find some impressive street art works hidden here and there, created by both great foreign artists like ROA or Loesje group and locals.
Which artist accepted some local footbal fans' suggestions to improve his work of art?
Who takes advantage of street art to make money on it and who doesn't even want?
Who wants art to move out from art galleries to streets and why are results of his efforts destroyed?
The further we go, the more significant the question of street art role in Praga local community will grow. Is it an effective tool of social change? We will fin out.
Historical and cultural context will be provided, profound to any extent you find interesting.
Please keep in my mind that the tour is free, but if you're satisfied, then tips afterwards are appreciated. See you!

How to contact your tour guide:
facebook: link
instagram: link

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