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Taboos in Interpersonal Relations Regarding the Business Field

Taboos in Interpersonal Relations Regarding the Business Field
📅 Data: piątek, 25 marca 2022

⌚ Godzina rozpoczęcia: 18:00

📌 Miejsce: Warszawa - Śródmieście, Dunaj Instytut Dialogu, Chmielna 26/22 (pokaż na mapie)

Szczegółowy opis poniżej ⬇️

[wydarzenie oraz poniższy opis wyłącznie w języku angielskim]

Have you ever felt „somehow strange” in a business situation? Lets’s say you suggested something during the meeting, asked a question, asked for some information and suddenly … there was an embarrassing silence. Or you have had a different scenario; you wanted to ask something, but you knew that this is not a topic that should be discussed in a given company. Both of these scenarios may have one thing in common – you unknowingly broke a taboo or you are afraid that you break it. In the safe circumstances of our meeting, let’s talk about the business taboo. How to talk about money? Who can end the meeting and ask everyone to leave? Can you tell your boss that he has made a calculation error? We meet during an evening full of such questions. Let’s break some taboos:)

Dr. Magdalena Łużniak-Piecha

Psychologist. She conducts research on personality pathologies in management, studies organizational psychopathic, narcissistic and histrionic cultures. She also conducts social skills development trainings, coaching workshops, consulting in the field of negotiation and management of international teams.

📆 25.03.2022
⏰ 18:00
📍 Ul. Chmielna 26/22, III.Klatka, Domofon 322, piętro V
😋 Open Buffet
🆓 Free Entrance
📩 Registration: link

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